If you have been sent this link, it is because we have moved all of our registration forms to be contactless during RMCO. Please fill and submit all THREE forms below. (Parts 1 and 2 are compulsory in order for us to have you participate in our classes but Part 3 is your choice and we respect your boundaries especially when social media is concerned.)
Please also note that you will be required to check-in via MySejahtera QR Code during RMCO which will ask you for a declaration of good health. 
Thank you for your patience. 

Part 1: Student Registration

Are your immunisations up to date?

By completing and submitting the above registration form to enrol with Resonate Dance Company, the student and/or parent/legal guardian hereby agrees to the terms and conditions detailed above. (By clicking submit, I hereby give my consent and digital signature).

Part 2: Liability Waiver

Part 3 : Social Media Release

I prefer that

By submitting this form, you hereby submitting your digital signature.


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